Hey KJ! Is this you:

You have thousands of songs on your hard drive and for that matter don't need a streaming service but only to purchase songs as needed. Wouldn't it be nice to just add that song to your online catalog right then and there at the gig when someone asks for it. Well here it is along with many other features. The flexability of this online application will do it all and improve your SEO as it links to your website, Facebook page, Instram, etc.. Click the links from the Features pull-down menu above to see which features apply to your needs. Keep in mind that the online catalog gives you an Online presence! Also, if you are a KJ with a streaming service we can provide you with a catalog that will most likely have every song your streaming service provides. Discover the advantages of this application.

Why it's Good to do a Gig at a Club

Running a gig at a club doesn't pay as well as say a corporate event, but it's good to do it anyway for a number of reasons: 1) Setting up and breaking down becomes methodical. 2) You're in tune to what songs are popular and your patrons will always clue you in on what labels made a good version of a certain song. 3) You're networking and could get gigs at other venues or be hooked up with a good private event. Keep in mind that even though venues may not pay you what you could get at say a corporate event, if you're bringing them business don't undersell yourself. 4) SEO - This is where having an online catalog can help you improve your web presence. Singers using your catalog at a gig will also see the link to your website (Facebook page, Instagram, etc.) and click on it to see what else is going on. But also having a regular gig, even if it's once a week will keep your online catalog busy and since it only links to your website that too will gain traffic and rank higher as far as SEO goes.

More than One Gig

Above we mentioned how it benefits you to have a weekly gig at a club, But having 2 gigs doubles your exposure. If you have a company that's running 2 or more shows at the same time you can still use the "Submit Song to KJ" feature. The singer would just select the venue/party that they're at. One of the most notable aspects of this feature is that singers will see the other venue(s) you're at. This is demonstrated on our video: Submitting Songs Demo. Some KJs don't have 2 venues running at the same time but they still enable this so that you can see the other venues they're at.

How Many Songs Do We Need?

There are probably well over 200,000 Karaoke files (MP4, CDG/MP3, CDG/WAV, etc.) when you include the different labels of which many have gone out of business. Do we really need to see the 10 different versions of "Walking after Midnight"? As a KJ you probably know which versions are best (which is another reason why it's good to have a weekly gig at a club) and if a singer wants a certain version they'll let you know. But to list it 10 times in a catalog? That's why if you have thousands of songs of different labels making the ordeal of getting a csv file to import could be a meatball. Which is why we would suggest just taking the catalog that we supply which will have all the songs you probably have and if you don't have a song it's so easy to just aquire it right there at the gig through karaoke-version.com or some other vendor. You can easely add it to your catalog in the admin area right there while you're running a gig: (See Demo). You'll be productive by updating the catalog while a singer is singing. Remember with this app you can download a csv file of your catalog. So your online catalog is in sync with any printing copies you might want to make.